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Global AI Patent Search & Analysis Engine
The largest AI-based patent search database in Korea
Search and analyze patent information around the world

Utilize global patent data, advanced AI technology, powerful analysis tools, and workflow optimized for collaborative works provided by keywert.
Now, you can build the most competitive patent portfolio.


Maximize work efficiency with AI
It is equipped with AI optimized to patent, so even novices can get expert-level search results. It can classify tens of thousands of patent data in just few seconds.
Holds over 95% of the world’s patent
Detailed analysis of patent information from 15 major countries is possible, and abstract searches of patent information from 91 other countries are available.
Auto-completion of reports in various forms
You can automatically generate reports with one click. All you need to do is register your company's document templates in advance, such as preliminary investigation reports, research plans, and invention reports.

Key Features

Auto-completion of even complicated patent search queries with AI

You can create fast and accurate search queries with a patent-specialized AI.
You can search over 300 million patent data around the world. Also, you can download patent search results and utilize report auto-completion for efficient reporting.

Efficient patent analysis with drawings and specifications on one screen.

The keyLens function, which automatically recognizes specifications and symbols in drawings, can shorten the time taken to compare and analyze patent details and drawings, enabling a faster and more accurate understanding of the patent content.

AI classifier that dramatically cut down the time taken for patent classification

You can complete complicated and repetitive patent classification tasks in few seconds with the Copilot, an AI classification function.
It learns the user's patent classification pattern, understands the purpose of classification, and then automatically classifies the patent for the same technology.

Secure insights with diverse IP data visualization

You can immediately visualize the search results using the graph engine function.
You can also analyze the patent data in various aspects with 600+ types of graphs.

Workspace optimized for collaborative work

You can easily share classified patents through K WORK, keywert's collaborative workspace, with your business partners.
You can also effectively manage your patent portfolio and monitor the latest technology trends and competitors through sharing notifications.

Key Features

300 million+

Patent Literature

15 countries

Holding full-text papers

2,953 courts

Patent Litigation Information