Through worldwide IP data-based analysis, you can convert research innovation into commercial opportunities, from selecting competitive research projects to discovering adequate demand companies.
Academia Overview
Easy to use for anyone
Discover demand companies and seize business opportunities
From IP novices to experts, patent training content for everyone.
Academia Benefit
Efficient IP data management optimized to evaluate patent quality
You can analyze your patent using multiangle patent analysis and evaluation functions. With just one tool, you can select a research project, identify demand companies adequate to patent licensing, negotiate contracts, and conduct follow-up management.
You can create customized reports with just a click. You can automatically create reports to fit into the required format, such as PPT, Word, Excel, etc.
A kind patent training platform at the level of IP novice
Even people new to IP can easily understand and further utilize patent information through various contents(online education & seminar, articles, etc.) provided by our patent-specialized platform, patspoon.